California Residential Earthquake Claim Handling Certificate Training
What I do is California Earthquake Claim Handling Training. The California Department of Insurance Regulations (full text of the regulations follows at the end of this page) require adjusters who handle EQ claims in California to have an Earthquake Claim Handling certificate showing that they have been trained on specific Regulations. Company desk adjusters who manage independent field adjusters also need to have this certificate. A certificate of completion that meets the California regulations is given at the end of my class. Any adjuster who goes to California to handle an earthquake claim will be asked to show their California Earthquake Claim Handling certificate before a company will use them. What the adjusters learn in this class, will also help prepare them to handle an earthquake claim in any State. For example, we talk about how to handle fracking EQ claims.
​There are several ways to do this. I can teach a stand alone CA EQ Certificate class which will take about 2 hours. This can be in person or via Webinar, i.e. Zoom, or whatever remote platform you use. Some companies like me to partner with an engineer in which case I usually do about 1.5 hours on the required adjuster topics and the engineer does 1.5 hours on earthquake damage assessment. This takes up a good half day. I can recommend good engineers for this class. Some independent adjusting companies like me to present the EQ Cert class along with CEA coverage and CEA claim handling expectations. This is a 3-hour class. I often am called upon to present at independent adjuster conferences.
If you are an IA firm holding a conference for your adjusters, I can present the California earthquake certificate course so that all your adjusters leave the conference with their CA EQ Certificate. If you are an approved CE provider, I will work with you to get my class approved for CEs. We need to talk, but the goal is to get your adjusters trained and accredited to handle EQ claims in California, and the rest of the country. I can also present the required annual CA Fair Claims Handling update course, and the required annual SIU adjuster update class. I will coach you on what is required to meet required regulations.
You probably don't need this, but following are the Regulations copied from the CA Department of Insurance Website: (It is only 3 pages long.) My training complies with these regulations.
Section 2695.40 Authority and Purpose
These regulations are promulgated pursuant to the authority granted to the Insurance Commissioner under the provisions of Insurance Code Section 10089.3. The purpose of these regulations is to set forth standards governing the training of insurance adjusters in evaluating damage caused by earthquakes and the procedures for reporting unaccredited adjusting.
Note: Authority cited: Section 10089.3, California Insurance Code
Section 2695.41 Definitions As used in these regulations and in Section 10089.3 of the California Insurance Code.
(a) "Accreditation" means certification that a person has received training that meets the standards set forth in this subchapter.
(b) "Insurance adjuster" or "adjuster" is any person included in California Insurance Code Section 10089.3(b).
(c) "Insurer" means an "admitted" or "nonadmitted" insurer, as defined in California Insurance Code Sections 23, 24 and 25, that issues or delivers a policy of insurance in this state covering the peril of earthquake.
(d) "Training" or "train" means to provide a course of instruction that meets the standards prescribed in Section 2695.42 for those adjusters who evaluate earthquake damage.
Note: Authority cited: Section 10089.3, California Insurance Code
Reference: Sections 23, 24, 25 and 10089.3, California Insurance Code
Section 2695.42 Training Standards
Every insurer shall provide training regarding the handling of earthquake claims to insurance adjusters who evaluate earthquake claims for or on behalf of the insurer. The insurer may provide the training directly or have the training provided by another entity. The insurer shall ensure that the course of instruction meets all requirements set forth in this Section 2695.42. An adjuster trained and accredited by one insurer shall be deemed accredited in order to adjust claims for a different insurer unless such insurer includes additional requirements. The content of the training required by this section shall include the following topics:
(a) The California Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations, California Code of Regulations, Title 10, Chapter 5, Subchapter 7.5, Section 2695.1 - 2695.14, inclusive. Demonstration of compliance with the annual training and certification requirements of 10 CCR 2695.6 shall satisfy an insurance adjuster's training requirements prescribed by this subsection.
(b) Determination of Scope of Loss: Adjusters shall be trained how to conduct a thorough examination of the property to be inspected including but not limited to: attics, crawlspaces, roofs, chimneys, foundations, and structural areas. The adjuster shall be trained how to make a complete listing of all recent earthquake damage. Training pursuant to this subsection shall include building code upgrade issues and procedures to be followed if additional hidden earthquake damage is found after repair of earthquake damage has begun.
(c) Loss Estimation Techniques: Adjusters shall be trained how to create or obtain an accurate estimate of all covered earthquake damage. The adjuster shall be trained regarding the appropriate level of detail to be contained in the estimate and the documentation necessary to support the estimate. Adjusters shall be trained to re-evaluate the estimate if the actual costs of repair differ from the costs listed on the original estimate.
(d) Determination of Necessity for Engineer or Expert: Adjusters shall be trained how to evaluate visible damage and indicia of hidden damage to determine when to consult with an engineer or other expert.
(e) California Department of Insurance Earthquake Mediation Program: Adjusters shall receive training regarding the Earthquake Claims Mediation Program of the California Department of Insurance set forth at California Insurance Code Section 10089.70 and California Code of Regulations, Title 10, Chapter 5, Subchapter 7.6, Sections 2696.1 through 2696.10, inclusive.
(f) Assessment of Damage to Concrete Surfaces and Foundations: Adjusters shall be trained on the basic techniques used to determine the difference between pre-existing cracks in the concrete of structures and new cracks caused by an earthquake. Complete training pursuant to this subsection shall include methodology for determining when repair or replacement of the concrete is appropriate and proper methods for concrete repair including, but not limited to injected epoxy methods.
(g) Subsequently Discovered Earthquake Damage: Adjusters shall be trained on the basic requirements of current law regarding the obligation of the insurer to investigate any earthquake damage that is discovered or reported and when it may be appropriate to seek legal counsel to assist in making this determination.
(h) Programs Designed to Assist Earthquake Victims: Adjusters shall be trained regarding the existence of United States Small Business Administration and Federal Emergency Management Agency or other similar programs intended to assist earthquake victims. Training pursuant to this subsection shall include an overview of these programs and deadlines, and how these programs and deadlines interact with the underlying earthquake insurance claim.
Note: Authority cited: Section 10089.3, California Insurance Code
Reference: Sections 790.03 (h), 10089.3, and 10089.70, California Insurance Code; and Sections 2695.1-2695.14 and 2696.1-2696.10, Title 10, California Code of Regulations.
Section 2695.43 Accreditation
(a) Certificates shall be provided by the insurer or the training entity to any student successfully completing the adjuster training and shall contain the following information:
(1) name, address and telephone number of the insurer or other entity providing the adjuster training required by this subchapter;
(2) full name of adjuster, and license number if applicable;
(3) a statement certifying that the adjuster completed training that meets the standards set forth in these regulations;
(4) signatures of both adjuster and trainer; and
(5) completion date of training.
(b) Accreditation must be renewed every three years by completing the training required by Subsection 2695.42. Note: Authority cited: Section 10089.3, California Insurance Code
Section 2695.44 Maintenance of Records
(a) Insurers or other entities providing adjuster training must maintain records of all adjusters completing the program, for a period of five years. An insurer using an adjuster to evaluate earthquake damage must keep a record of that adjuster's accreditation for a period of five years. These records must contain the following information:
(1) name of adjuster and license number if applicable;
(2) date training completed;
(3) name, address and telephone number of training entity.